Testing, testing…..

More Than A Score

More than a Score is a campaign group of educationalists who are trying to persuade the DfE that testing in primary schools is wrong.

This video campaign addresses the serious matter of how children are tested in primary schools in a cheerful and entertaining way with a Nick Gibb lookalike, several children and comic, Zoe Lyons to reinforce the issues.

It's Child's Play

These children make the case against government testing very strongly. We hear from individual children who think it is so unfair that their whole school is being judged by the results of their Key Stage 2 tests.

Testing hits rock bottom

In this video a Nick Gibb lookalike tries very hard to justify baseline testing, but discovers that there is no credible rationale.

Out of the mouths

Phonics testing has always been difficult to defend but this amusing look at the unreasonable demands on children and schools led by some very articulate children and comedian Zoe Lyons show why it is such a flawed test.

2 much 2 soon

This group of children recognise the pressures being put on them at such a young age and ask why does this have to happen to them?

Times are hard

Children who are very comfortable with doing their times tables comment on the government's insistence on testing them in year 4. Children and teachers already know how well they are doing with their tables, should this be a measure of a school's performance?

There is another way

OST shares the view that high stakes testing in primary schools is not the best way to educate our children. Here are some alternative perspectives which suggest pragmatic solutions which benefit children and still allow for schools to be accountable.


Environmental education is essential in our primary schools


Neil Hawkes – A webinar on The Inner Curriculum (Video)