Guest Post: Commentary on One Nation Recovery Papers
John Coe offers his commentary on a challenging paper from the One Nation group of Conservative MPs – a contribution to the developing debate about future changes in education policy.
Video: Richard Gerver – Depoliticising Education
Richard Gerver, renowned educationist, tells us we need to depoliticise education, getting rid of the divisions that exist, in order to make the sort of progress we have seen in Finland
An opinion: On professionalism in education
Pip Marples on the opportunity to create a set of professional standards for teachers and on making the teaching profession professional.
Video: Open Schools
Sir Tim Brighouse, one of the most exciting thinkers about education in this country, gives us his revolutionary idea of creating open schools, using a totally new approach, in the way that the Open University changed the landscape in that sector.
Video: Sir Tim Brighouse – the need for change
Sir Tim Brighouse looks at the English schooling system and suggests it is time to move into an age of hope and ambition.
Video: A potted history of English education
Looking back at the English schooling system: Sir Tim Brighouse outlines what has changed, what remains the same but above all what needs urgent attention now.
Video: Why I’m not getting what I need at school
Mary, 16 year old student, tells us about the way schools could be better for all students.
Video: Levelling Up
Richard Arrowsmith sets out the possibilities for improving our schools.
The Priestly Lecture 2019: Sir Tim Brighouse
looks back at the English schooling system: what has changed, what remained the same but above all what needs urgent attention now.
Video: Why schools and school leaders need to be brave.
Tina Farr tells us that schools are failing our children by not allowing them to grow as individuals.
Video: What we should be aiming for in schools
David Cameron gives us his take on what schools should be equipping our children with when they leave school.
Guest post: Primary School Reform: The Assessment of Learning
Guest posts are pieces we think worthy of wider sharing.
The education of young children in their primary schools has been hit hard in recent years. Politicians are attracted to testing because the results can be quantified. But the accuracy implied by a number is false: research has shown that scores are not consistent and are seriously affected by personal circumstances.
Guest post: Lessons from the crisis
Guest posts are pieces we think worthy of wider sharing.
The education system has exploded and with so many of the old certainties in tatters it is vital that we learn the lessons and begin to think about a better future.
Pupils imprisoned in schools
Highlighting the need for all children to have the learning opportunities they deserve for the 21st century and encourage the move from passive to active learning, with more attention being given to the individual
Education and schools - the future never comes
It is time for those who understand education to come together and establish a different way of thinking which helps governments to better reflect the needs of children within our communities, and thus benefit society itself.
Testing? Decades of lost learning
The 2020 exam chaos highlights the need for Fundamental reform of the exam system.
The arts in our emotions
“Creativity is not only an outcome of a good education, but a means of achieving a good education” M. Barber, NACCCE Report, 2001